Hello world!

Hello world!

This is my very first post about our quest as a family to look for health and longevity. I can’t wait to dive into the topic and share what I learn along the way. I hope you will join me 🙂

Actually we have been thinking about this for a long long time. Things like, you know, we should eat more veggies, and we should be more active kind of things 😀 We think and talk about it all the time but when it comes to actually going to the gym, we always have something urgent to attend to. Or when shopping in a grocery store, we don’t nearly spend as much time around the vegetable section as the bakery section…

But I just decided that we shouldn’t waste any other day without taking action. I have decided to prioritize it, plan it, track it and actually act on it!

I am by no means an expert on health or how to live a long life. But I hope to dig deep, read a ton, learn a lot, and share all of it with you. I am soo excited! Please join our family on this journey! It will probably involve some broccoli and kale! 🙂

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